Harry combines his extensive Wall St. background, his high-availability / high-extensibility / high-performance technology architecture background and his machine learning / predictive analytics experience to produce complex, high-performing, self-adapting algorithmic trading platforms.
The trading platform includes but is not limited to:
- Classic long / short trading,
- Crypto support,
- Forex pair support,
- Implementation of over 100 technical trading patterns that provide for support / verification in trade execution,
- Support for strategies in the areas of trend-following, counter trend, pattern recognition and automated sentiment analysis (natural language processing),
- Arbitrage (in progress),
- User-definable hard and soft constraints and weighting rules that direct the behavior of the algorithms,
- Machine learning techniques that analyze the algo’s performance and modify its own execution in real time,
- Dashboard to monitor algo health, trade activity and algo thinking,
- Cloud-based architecture that supports remote control and monitoring.